CBD for Pets

At CBDgateways, our payment processing experts specialize in CBD merchant accounts so that we can help you accept payments for your CBD products for pets using your existing website.

Since we offer various CBD merchant accounts and pair you with the best fit, we can help you find the very best merchant account for your specific needs.

We will connect you to the CBD payment processing that fits best for your CBD pet products. If you’d like to know more about how we work with a wide range of CBD-merchant-account providers and can find a home for you, please contact us today using the short form near the bottom of this page.

If you’re new to selling CBD for pets, you can learn about the payment processing side of your business by reading more below.

Merchant Account Solutions for CBD for Pets

Why CBD for Pets?

CBD for pets is a fast-growing industry, with research continuing to look into the possible benefits for animals.

However, we want to underline there is a big caveat. As it stands, stringent regulations apply when you sell CBD products – especially regarding what you can or cannot claim regarding the benefits your products may or may not have. The ACS laboratory does a good job of summarizing the dos and don’ts when selling CBD products. We want to stress that doing your due diligence is always best, so please consult a lawyer and read up on FDA guidelines so you are clear on what claims to include or avoid.

Specialized payment methods for pet-focused CBD websites

Website owners selling CBD for pets often face challenges that more standard businesses rarely encounter. This is why sellers should pay close attention to their customer’s purchase experience and make sure they’re happy with their products.

You should also be careful to reimburse shoppers when appropriate. This is particularly important, as it’s an effective way of avoiding chargebacks, which can cause issues with your merchant account over time. It can even cause closed accounts or frozen funds.

What “high-risk” means for your pet-focused CBD website

When you’re selling CBD products, you’re running a “high-risk” business, regardless of what type of CBD product you sell. As a result, CBD products for pets are categorized as high-risk by payment processors and financial institutions.

Being “high-risk” means that you’re more likely to face obstacles than “standard” businesses, such as credit card chargebacks, frozen funds, or even closed merchant accounts.

Regulations and restrictions influence a CBD website’s payment processing.

Tight regulations and restrictions factor into why financial institutions and credit card issuers categorize CBD businesses, in general, as high-risk.

However, being high-risk doesn’t mean you’re out of options and have to roll the dice on whether you can accept credit card payments. You simply have to find a specialized payment processing provider who can support your credit card processing needs.

High-risk businesses, like CBD companies that sell pet products, should consider a high-risk payment processor that meets their specific needs.

What you can do about being high-risk

Finding suitable credit card processing hasn’t historically been easy for high-risk businesses, and it’s always particularly challenging for new and emerging industries, such as the CBD industry. The main difficulty is that standard payment processing companies are unable or unwilling to offer their services to high-risk businesses.

Relying upon popular options, like Stripe or PayPal, can sometimes cause cashflow interruptions. These solutions are suitable for “standard” businesses but their business model is incompatible with the complexities that come with many high-risk merchants.

Instead, using high-risk credit card processing allows CBD merchants and e-commerce sellers to efficiently sell from their platform without worrying about credit card chargebacks or other payment-specific problems. Specialized credit card processing allows high-risk merchants, like CBD pet product websites, to integrate customer transactions online easily.

The CBD payment processing your pet website needs

CBDgateways will set you up with payment processing that specifically fits high-risk merchants in the CBD market. This way, businesses get a reliable and worry-free payment system. Working with the right kind of high-risk processing will allow you to avoid unsatisfied customers or payment issues.

CBDgateways provides businesses that sell CBD for pets with a simple way to get a high-risk payment gateway. We take care of the entire payment process, leaving you, the merchant, without worry.

CBDgateways makes payments simple, allowing merchants to use e-commerce software such as Wix, Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce.

At CBDgateways, we’ll set you up with a merchant account and payment gateway that makes it easy to accept payments.  We’ll ensure you don’t face any unnecessary payment and checkout difficulties. Your payment processing will give you the reliability you need while allowing you to work with the checkout carts and platforms you’re familiar with and enjoy. As a result, if you’re in the CBD for pets industry, you can rest easy knowing that CBDgateways makes your job easier and helps you ensure that your customers are happy.

Contact us today using the short form below for simple, accessible CBD-for-pets-friendly merchant accounts and payment gateways.